Welcome to jackiepourspaint

I began my artistic journey while in my master’s program in Southern California studying Human Resource Management. Reading scholarly articles and case studies all day left me with a lingering sense of no creativity or color in my life, so I recalled a hobby of acrylic painting a college friend had shared with me years prior. I’d never expected to find such satisfaction in the chaos of art given that I’m not a huge fan of getting messy and have a thing about tactile sensitivity. However, I went for it anyway and bought a number of differently-sized canvases, some acrylics, and got to work. And loved it.

Fast forward to the pandemic when I had a growing collection of paintings in my first post-education apartment living in San Francisco, CA. I spent hours, days, and weeks painting out of sheer desperation for any joy or mental stimulation (I’m sure many can relate), and began to see a growing number of people in my immediate community requesting custom pieces to adorn their own spaces. Upon realizing the appreciation and desire others had for my art in addition to my own admiration of my growing talents, I decided to create an Instagram to showcase my artwork, and later a TikTok (admittedly, since that’s where so many creatives find community and engagement).

In 2023, things really took off. I began reaching out to local businesses in the San Francisco community to partner on both solo and group exhibitions and art shows, anything from independent wine bars on Polk Street to group showings at Public Works and even events in the East Bay. This was the first year I sold my art to people outside of my immediate community and began creating a real and organic creative community for myself as an artist. It was a great year to focus more on my passions, hobbies, and side hustles and not just on my day job which has been amazing for my mental health.

Heading into the future, I plan to continue exhibiting my art publicly in the San Francisco Bay Area as well as online on this platform. I made myself a promise I would increase the amount of time I spent on myself and my creative endeavors, and this is just me living up to that promise. I hope you love what you see here, and I hope you appreciate my continuing story in the same way that I do. Feel to reach out, say hey, and don’t be a stranger.

